Saturday, November 11, 2017

Predicament of Six Capital clients

Hello Mr Tan

Are you acquainted with this organization called Six Capital. They are presently in a fix and have failed to honor their obligations to the aggrieved clients of their B'Data and Tagg programs.

Not only are they in breach of their end of the agreement but they have yet to put forth any concrete plans to address the repayment issue. In fact they have ceased considering all requests for the hard-earned money of regular folks to be returned , when they are at fault.

Needless to say I am one of the unfortunate victim. The only formal correspondence I managed to obtain is a letter supposedly addressed to all affected clients. In fact I did not even receive this correspondence. Only managed to obtain it from other sources after much painstaking probing and inquires.

Just am interested if you have heard of this firm from possibly others who have fallen victim or other sources.

Below are two links to articles written about their present predicament. They appear to be biased in favor of the view of Patrick Teng (owner of Six Capital) without any due consideration nor mention accorded to the aggrieved parties' side of the story.…/six-capital-responds-to-complaints-o……/a-peek-inside-sixcap-a-firm-o…

I have not heard about Six Capital. I hope you did not put in too much money because the chance of getting it back is very bad.

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