Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Recruit locals to be bus drivers

In many cities the bus drivers are locals. These drivers are familiar with the roads, and know the languages and culture of the local people.

In Singapore, a high proportion of bus drivers are foreigners.

It is better to have local drivers for the benefits shown above. Furthermore, we need to create more job opportunities for locals to become bus drivers.

To encourage locals to take up bus driving, we need to increase the wages and to provide greater flexibility in their work schedules.

We can use technology to provide the flexibility. The drivers can choose the slots that they wish to work.

If many people are willing to be Uber or Grab drivers, they should also be willing to work as bus drivers, if they can enjoy better wages and have the flexibility.

It is important for Singapore to find the solution and encourage more locals to be bus drivers.

I suggest that all future jobs as bus drivers be reserved for locals, to force the bus operators to adjust the wages to an acceptable level and provide the flexibility to bus drivers, using technology.

This may increase the cost of public transport. However, the increase may not be that significant, as the bus operators do not have to pay a levy for local workers.

Do you agree?

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