Wednesday, December 20, 2017

$40 million Skills Future scam

SINGAPORE: Five suspected members of a criminal syndicate have been charged with a series of offences, which resulted in close to S$40 million in fraudulent claims being paid out by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).

Read here.

My comment:
I know that such a scheme will be subject to abuse and fraud. I worry about the ability of the Workforce Development Agency to manage the fraud.

They should not allow the fraud to reach such a scale. They should use data analtyics to identify the potential fraud and to take action much earlier.

If they are more pro-active, they fraudsters would not go to this extent.

What is smart data analytics? The scholars in charge of our government agencies could consult me. It is not tht difficult. It is really a matter of common sense.

I will write about it earlier.

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