Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Do you expect MAS managing director, Ravi Menon, to enter politics soon?

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1 comment:

  1. PAP is short of talented people to join their ranks, okay for Ravi to enter the den, but there are far too many Indian Singaporeans in Cabinet.
    One senior Indian Minister should retire making way for the MAS chief.
    But the inbreeding within their rank a worry, as this leads to poorer quality pedigree stock of new leadership necessary to propel Singapore forward.
    Also the kiasi, kiasu behaviour to stay in the good books lead to timid behaviour, so safer to join the group think for political survival.
    Thus status quo continues to prevail, but too status quo breeds inactivity and complacency and a stalemate in progress.
    Stagnation allows neighbouring countries to do catch up.
