Friday, January 05, 2018

How did PM Lee perform in 2017

I asked this question in The Wisdom of the Crowd - How did PM Lee perform in 2017

The results of the votes are terrible for PM Lee. 94% gave him an unfavorable rating.

You can view the breakdown of the votes in

1 comment:

  1. Dun bother about PM Lee's report card, the 4th PM is more urgent.
    With one too many Indian raced Ministers in Cabinet, PM must be wary, share his concern Tharman may not be appropriate.
    Heng Swee kiat is not exactly healthy for the stressful PM job. The rest of the hopefuls are bred in the greenhouse, still wet behind the ears.
    Ex seatwarmer Goh Chok Tong gets this right, Govt do have a succession problem. Just pray PM Lee could hold a bit longer, with no one really PM material, Singapore is at a critical junction.
