Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Talk on Financial Planning - Do it the Right Way


I am sending this message to you because you have visited my website recently and you are probably interested in this talk organized by the Financial Services Consumer Association.

I have often received request from consumers asking for my advice on what they should do with a life insurance policy that they have bought and is showing a poor return after paying premiums for many years.

In most cases, it is already too late to cancel the policy, as it would result in a large financial loss.

It would have been better if they knew how to make the right decision in the first place and learn the right way to invest their savings.

This "right way" is covered in the talk.

You can register for this talk by clicking here.

If you have children who have grown up and are now working or would be working soon, you should also advise them to attend this talk. Do not allow them to get into the wrong decision through ignorance.

The talk is free to members of FISCA. If you wish to join FISCA, you can register here.

I will be giving a free hard copy book on financial planning to attendees at the talk. Do not miss it. If you are not able to attend the talk, you can buy this book for $15 (including postage).

Tan Kin Lian

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