Saturday, January 20, 2018

The government should be more considerate and accountable

Dear Mr. Tan

Why did the government statuary board could not communicate with each other.

The government has survey for every trade. All companies has file information to IRAS and MOM with regards to all the information needed.

why did the government statuary boards just share information? Instead they make the businesses file all different things and prepare multiple sets of information?

by doing this, are they trying to penalise the businesses if they make mistakes in the filing or surveys.

it is not the first time that I have encounter this very bad practise in Singapore wasting time and manpower.

btw why did the government needs BCA to conduct survey when ACRA, MOM and IRAS has all the information. If they are sharp in detection problems IRAS and ACRA would have alert the relevant Statuary department when an orange light has appear in the statistic analysis by information in all filings.

I agree with you. We have a bad government. They do not care about the problems that they cause to the businesses and citizens. That is why our cost of doing business is so high, and the cost of living is so high.

We need a government that is more considerate and more accountable. If they get feedback from the public, they should get a senior person to understand the feedback and see if anything can be done to improve the situation. Instead, the people handing the feedback ignore it, or just find some excuse to avoid doing anything.

This is poor quality of civil service. It has deteriorated badly for the past three decades.

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