Saturday, January 20, 2018

Will IOT help to locate a missing child?

For the past 30 years, I have been worried about children being abducted.

Imagine that the parent takes a child to a mall or crowded place. The child wonders away and went missing. The child is too young to know how to get back to the parent.

If the child is found by a decent person, the finder will take the child to a police station or the parent can ask the police if the child is found.

If the child is found by a bad person, the child might gone missing permanently.

This problem is compounded when the family is overseas on a holiday.

One possible precaution is to give a message that the child can show to the finder - missing child, call (name), (number) of parent. It can also be pasted as a label to an bag or a piece of clothing for the child. It can also be worn like a watch.

Is there another way for a GPS device to be worn by the child? The parent can track the child with a mobile phone. But this request the device to have a SIM card as well.

The beacon created by Apple can be a way to track the location of the child. But it requires sufficient mobile phones with apps that can read the beacon.

Perhaps the best solution is IOT (internet of things) technology. The child can carry an IOT device. Its location can be sensed by the IOT network. The parent can search the IOT network and know the location of the child.

Will the IOT be the ultimate answer?

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