Monday, February 05, 2018

Enrol young people to attend the talk on financial planning

At the FISCA talk on 3 Feb, one elderly lady brought three nephews and nieces to attend the talk. One of them has started work, one is servicing full time NS and the third is still studying.

TKL - I want to thank you for encouraging the young people to attend. You will be doing them a great favor for their financial future. Why did you decide to register and pay for them?

Woman - I made a mistake in my own financial planning in the past. I do not want them to make the same mistake. I want them to learn something useful that will benefit them in the future.

What a wonderful woman. I hope that many other older people will follow her example and enrol their children, nephews and nieces.

Their kind gesture will be remembered a long time. When the young person knows how to avoid a mistake through this financial knowledge, they will be grateful to the older person who enrolled them for this talk.

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