Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Should MPs continue to meet the people weekly?

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1 comment:

  1. This Meet-the-people session isn't about meeting the people, it is mainly about handling peoples' grievances/complaints. Most of the residents don't get to talk to the MP but to their assistants. In the past(1960s) the public goes to the Central Complaints Bureau at Victoria Memorial Hall to lodge any complaints that they have. Now for the MP to perform the function of the CCB is really a waste of resources. The MP should meet interested residents in a group monthly to discuss about grievances, feedbacks and suggestions. The MP should give the proper reply the following month in the next meeting.

    For the MP to write appeal letters for the public is against the directives given by LKY as revealed by ex ST journalist. This would make the public beholden to the MP for help him/her.
