Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Was PM Lee slow in leadership renewal?

In his first address as prime minister, PM Lee indicated that leadership renewal is his top priority. Some people observed that he was rather slow in carrying out this promise. But he did bring in many younger ministers into his cabinet and the selection of the prime minister should take a longer time.

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1 comment:

  1. PM has our sympathy, no really creditable candidate in his Cabinet that shouts "I am the one of PM material".
    The implication behind the CFE set up - Committee for future economy, members of so called PM potential, CCS, Ong Ke something, Lawrence Wong, and led by oldsters HSK and Iswaran.
    PM using CFE as testing bed to pick out his successor. Alas, like what former PAP MP Inderjit Singh said, none of them able to come up with new cutting edge ideas, just regurgitate old ones that work last century,
    with some modifications added as disguise.
    Have to start on complete clean slate, putting up regulations are obstacles, that crimps innovation and initiative. Private industry veterans should lead this Committee, at least have an experienced industry hand to hold the hands of these fumbling PAP greenhouse bred newbies. Can't formulate ideas, test their execution skills.
    PM has lots to learn from China. New economy won't allow you to jalan blan blan. Give people a free hand, give local SMEs a part to play with bit help, than to only mollycoddle foreign MNCs, who are fair weather allies. Ditch the control mentality. That's how Ali Baba was born.
