Sunday, February 04, 2018

Why do some Singaporeans bash Singapore Airlines?

I asked this question in the Wisdom of the Crowd - Why do some Singaporeans bash Singapore Airlines?

46% of those who voted said that the business practice of SIA had deteriorated. 25% said that the service standard had dropped badly. The remainder are more positive towards SIA

See the breakdown of the votes in

1 comment:

  1. SIA is so PAP Govt,
    "If it ain't broken why fix it".
    The mentality is so last century, so outmoded, but trends change so fast, dun keep up or be resistant, you lose out, it's a zero sum game. Trying to boost bottom line, sneaking in subtle charges which clients have to opt out, then got red faced with hasty retreats, denting pristine reputation further.
    SIA like all GLCs is an aging grand dame. Why e commerce is so trendy?
    The customer wants to participate in the buy and sell trade. You have to entertain them thru' online communication, have user friendly website. Economy passengers also want attention, else they take budge air. They have changed, but SIA top management still stick their heads into the sand, clinging to status quo.
    The Singapore brand is fast losing shine, China has plenty to teach us,
    she lets people go wild, then pick the winners, then make laws to regulate them. China knows concept of entrepreneurship much better than Singapore.
