Monday, March 26, 2018

Is the Singapore economy in good shape?

I asked this question in the Wisdom of the Crowd - Is the Singapore economy in good shape?

52% of the votes indicate that the economy is already in serious trouble.

44% said that the economy will be impacted by the slowdown in global trade.

4% said that the economy is doing well.

See the breakdown of the votes in

1 comment:

  1. Singapore economy is not really healthy, Govt dare not admit it, but we see it trying its best to address the slowdown, so just watch.

    What's losing sleep is the trade war between China and US, Singapore exports a sizable amount of electronic parts to China, dun know what extent this affects us.
    America is relatively self sufficient, esp with a friendly neighbour, Canada, but not China, wily Trump gets this spot on.
    One aspect China forgot to learn from our PAP Govt. She did not "ground" foreign investors within.
    By throwing restrictions on foreign investors, China is making some Chinese very rich, but at the country's expense.
    E.g., Apple who "depend" on Contract manufacturers on Chinese soil, thus this MNC and business ally, Foxcann, could pack up and move to America or elsewhere, no strings attached.
    There is no immovable, physical or intellectual, properties, to consider, Foxcann has to follow also.
    So Chinese workers would suffer, no work.
    Also, America is the world's IT leader, a lot to learn from her, right now Facebook and Google has been kicked out of Chinese soil. Here China has no 20/20 vision.
    China with its huge population has to import food products from the world, e.g. soybeans, wheat, etc. Even buying many farmlands abroad cannot meet requirements, land purchases subject to foreign Govts' interventions also.
    So China is the bigger loser. Singapore, with its arrogant big mouth
    may be the America's next target, in fact the ball has started to roll,
    Singapore Company's failed takeover of an American Company, a very bad omen, shows Trump's eyeing Singapore too.
    Right now, we can't see where our Stock and property markets heading to. Anything could happen from abroad, and it affects tiny Singapore greatly. Keep cash, just wait.
    Watch Trump, a man in a hurry, he wants to achieve many things within his 4 year Presidency, self predicting he won't have a second term.
    He looks very unpredictable, actually he's very predictable, being extremely charismatic, an excellent orator, he's a master at playing games, catching you unaware. Amazing he could pull off the tariff game so easily, under the very noses of Congress, the Democrats and the American MNC business community, the latter the target of China's retaliation. The predictable part is, anyone in Trump's shoes, he would do the same.
