Sunday, March 04, 2018

Law against fake news

Mr. Tan
The best way to combat fake news is to give the true facts and let the people judge for themselves.

If the people in authority continues to hide the facts, ordinary people will make all kinds of speculation. Some may be untrue, but they are not fake. The main cause is the lack of transparency in the first place.

The most powerful man in the world is also responsible for sending out facts that are not true using his Twitter account. Should be be charged and jailed for sending out "fake news"?

After a while, people know how to judge his tweets. They come out with the facts. The media also plays a part in presenting the facts through "fact checks".

Let us not forget that government also present only the positive aspects of the facts and downplay the negative aspects. Are they also responsible for giving "fake news"?

I think you are referring to the new law that is now being considered by a Parliamentary committee. I understand that they intend to act on people who are deliberate in spreading lies.

I agree that it is difficult to tell the difference whether it was a genuine mistake or a deliberate attempt to spread falsehoods.

I do not know how the Parliamentary committee intends to deal with it in the law. Maybe, they will leave it to the judge to make a decision based on the facts.

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