Sunday, March 25, 2018

Venture out of comfort zone

I have two rabbits. They are kept in two separate cages and are sheltered from the rain. They receive their food three times a day.

I let them out once in a while to roam freely in the garden. If both are out together, they are likely to fight.

Do these rabbits prefer the comfort of the cages or to roam freely in the garden?

I reflect on this choice and think about the ordinary Singaporeans. If they have a job, they can live comfortably in their HDB flats and work hard every day. They don't want to venture out of their comfort zone and into the unknown.

When they lose their jobs and have no money to feed their family, they go out to fight each other for the limited jobs as Uber or Grab drivers.

But this opportunity will soon be bleak. There is an over supply of taxis and private hire cars. The high demand, which is generated by promotions has already started to reverse. Times will get very tough for them, unless they have a new government.

Back to my rabbits. When I open the door of their cage, they hesitate to come out. After a while, they leave their cage and enjoy the freedom, but still in the garden. They don't want to come back, even for food.

Is there a lesson for Singaporeans? Is it worth venturing out for some freedom? Can we move out of the comfort zone? Are they more tame than the rabbits?

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