Saturday, March 17, 2018

Vote on these issues in The Wisdom of the Crowd

Is the government spending the tax revenue prudently and wisely?

Give your vote in

Should the Deductible be removed from the Medishield and integrated plans?

1 comment:

  1. No, Govt is far from being prudent in spending our Taxes collected.
    A classic example is the Skills Future Credit.
    Many aspects of the courses are not relevant, online chat that many
    trainers belong to the PAP grassroots, simply, Govt using our taxes
    to give lucrative, highly paid jobs to their grassroots members.
    One trainer even boasted she's going for staycation in a luxury hotel after the training course, then off to Batam for a 3day/2 nights break.
    Holy God, they must be very well paid, at taxpayers' expense.
    No further news about the Skills Future Credit funds being siphoned off.
