Friday, March 23, 2018

Will tourists avoid Singapore?

The flight back from Sydney to Singapore was almost full. Two British girls, who finished High School, sat next to me. They stayed one month in Sydney and were on the way to Bangkok. They stopped in Singapore for the connecting flight but will not stay in Singapore.

I wonder if they found Singapore to be too expensive?

At the immigration counters, I saw more Singaporeans at the automated gates than the foreigners at the manned counters. It is the first time that I saw more locals than foreigners.

Maybe, it is once off? Or maybe some people are already avoiding Singapore due to the higher levy?

1 comment:

  1. Dun help when Singapore recently polled the most expensive city in the world, scaring daylights out of any serious tourist to really visit.
    The ever relentless rising costs of living is leaving us locals 快要窒息,
    suffocating us to death.
    Solution, allow Airbnb short term tourists' stay for a few days, to cut down hotel costs and allow tourists to nib over to cheaper JB for daily trips. Property owners could make some peanut money, offering bed and breakfast, to help pay high living costs, killing two birds with one stone.
