Thursday, April 12, 2018

A bad business practice

I had a disagreement with Grab over their penalty for cancelling my booking. I wanted to delete the app. I checked the app and found that I had a balance of $35 (or thereabouts) in the Grabpay account. There was no way for me to transfer the balance back to my credit card.

I wrote to ask Grab Support on how this is to be done.

I received a reply that I had to forfeit all my points and incentives when I delete my app. I was asked to confirm that I wish to close my account.

I do not care about their points and incentives. I find them difficult to understand and to use. I don't know how much they are worth. I don't want to waste my time over these small things.

I had to ask them about the money in my Grabpay account. They replied that it would be forfeited when I close my account. They sent to me the "terms and conditions".

I asked Grab if they are trying to "cheat" me of this balance? Was the staff trying to help Grab to earn some revenue by forfeiting my balance? This is money that I put into the account, and not the points and incentives that Grab gave to me.

I told them that they are not authorised to close my account. I will use the balance and close the account myself.

I find this business practice to be bad.

Tan Kin Lian

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