Monday, April 23, 2018

A nasty comment by a nice person

I posted my open letter to the incoming CEO of SMRT in The Independent website. Someone (Mr T). made an unwarranted personal attack on me stating that I lost the Presidential election and my deposit.

I replied that "This is a nasty comment".

Mr. T must have felt hurt. He spend a few exchanges justifying why it was not nasty.

A few of his friends posted that they knew Mr. T and vouched that he was a nice person and was not nasty.

I did not say that Mr. T was nasty. I only said that his comment was nasty.

Many people cannot tell the difference between a nasty comment and a nasty person. Even nice people make nasty comments once in a while.

If Mr. T had made a nasty comment, he should just apologise for being offensive. There is no need to be defensive and justify his "nasty comment". There is no need for his friends to defend him.

I was not able to login to The Independent website to give my replies for a few days. The website owner, whom I knew personallym, said they have technical issues with the website and are trying to fix it.

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