Monday, April 23, 2018

Leaders who act on real problems facing the people

I posted a question in the Wisdom of the Crowd to select the most respected ASEAN leader.

62% of the respondents select Joko Widodo of Indonesia and 27% selected Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines.

Why are they popular with Singaporeans?

I guess that these leaders know the problems faced by the people of their country and take concrete actions to deal with them.

I was suprised that President Duterte had a high score, because he is reported in the media to be using tough and dreadful measures against the drug users and peddlars in the country.

It seemed that people understand that the problems are so large that these dreadful measures are needed.

When I visited Manila two years ago, I spoke to a few Filipinos. This was the opinion that they expressed.

Lee HL scored quite poorly. See

There is a lesson here for our Singapore leaders. The people expect their leaders to know their real problems and to take decision actions to deal with them.

Do you agree?

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