Thursday, April 12, 2018

Poor customer service

I booked Grab for my trip from airport to home last night. I had a cash balance in Grabpay that I have to use, before I delete the app.

I was able to get a Grab driver within 5 minutes. As it took me 5 minutes to clear customs and walk to the pickup point, the driver had arrived. The fare was $19.

Uber showed a fare of $18, so the difference was small.

I should be able to clear off my Grabpay balance within the next two trips, so I would be saying goodbye to Grab.

My recent experience showed that the customer service of Grab is quite bad. They followed SOP blindly and turn me off. If they had exercised initiative and common sense, they would not lose me as a customer.

I hope that Grab will wake up.

This is the "mentality" of many large organizations in Singapore. Their employees apply SOP blindly and cause a lot of harm in customer relations.

I hope that our large organizations realize this weakness and address it.

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