Friday, April 13, 2018

Want to be a smart nation?

I finally managed to pay the stamp duty on the tenancy. It was a really big hassle.

I had to go through so much trouble to make the payment. I must have spent at least one hour to stamp the tenancy agreement.

Someone said that the IRAS website has this kind of issues for years or decades. They did not improve, in spite of many feedbacks over the years.

I wish to make this suggestion to IRAS.

They should provide an option to pay by credit card. Many people are paying by credit card, and they do not have any issue.

I have made hundreds of payments by credit card for online purchases. It is completed easily, with no hassle. Why should I be required to spend one hour to pay the stamp fee of $110 using NETS?

I am not the only person facing this issue. I asked my tenant to pay the fee online, as I was travelling. He tried and gave up.

Here is my message to our prime minister who wants his two ministers, VB and JP, to head the smart nation. Be smart. Just introduce credit card payment as an option to NETS for IRAS. It is a low lying fruit.

You do not need to spend tens or hundreds of millions on grand projects that take years to realize.

Tan Kin Lian

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