Friday, April 13, 2018

Why I cancelled 3 Grab bookings

Some people wondered why I cancelled three Grab bookings and had to pay a penalty of $5. Was I acting unreasonably? Was I acting unfairly to the Grab drivers?

This is what happened.

I asked for a Grab driver to take me from the Grassroots Club to my rented townhouse for an urgent appointment. The fare was $9. It was high, but acceptable to me.

I got a response. The driver would arrive in 9 minutes as he had to drop off the current passenger. I cancelled the booking immediately. Please note that the driver still had his current passenger.

I tried again and got a similar response. The driver would arrive in 9 minutes as he had to drop off the current passenger. I cancelled the call immediately.

I tried the third time. I got the same outcome. There was a mention of a penalty of $5, but I did not notice it. I cancelled the call immediately.

In all three cancellations, the driver was dropping off the current passenger. He was not on the way to pick me. I did not cause the driver any inconvenience.

Why was I not willing to wait for 9 minutes?

I had this bad experience on a few past occasions. On one occasion, the waiting time was supposed to be 5 minutes because the driver had to drop off the current passenger. It turned out to be 15 minutes. What happened? he said that he had to drive up and down a multi story car park.

For the other occasions, the waiting time was usually a few more minutes compared to what was reported.

Why should I pay a higher price and still have to wait for a long time? I went to the road side, hailed a taxi in 2 minutes and paid a lower fare.

Grab refused to refund the penalty of $5. I don't think they gave it to their driver. They did offer me a promotion code for $5 for my next ride. I rejected it.

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