Thursday, June 21, 2018

Medishield Life is in a mess

Medishield Life is in a mess. I received this email from an angry citizen

Medishield-life is a betrayal of Singaporeans to foreigners (who become new citizens).

Isn't it blatant DOUBLE STANDARDS when Singaporeans have "to pay the accumulated sum of premiums not paid previously, with compound interest" i.e., any payments unpaid since 2015 (year of start of medishield-life) but New Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents don't have to pay medishield-life premiums since their birth year or 2015 (whichever later), but just since "within 1 month of attaining permanent residence" .

The reason why Singaporeans living abroad have to back pay ALL unpaid medishield-life premiums is premised upon the concept of 'pre-funding'

MOH used to justify high premiums collected when a citizen is young so as to accumulate sufficient cohort linked reserves in the medishield-life fund so that premiums can be reduced for the same cohort in old age.

Thus the need for previously exempt Singapore citizens "to pay the accumulated sum of premiums not paid previously, with compound interest" even though zero claims were made against medishield-life (owing to the very rigorous exemption qualifying criteria such as not being allowed to stay in Singapore for more than 140days over 5 years).

However, MOH is only too eager to give NEW citizens and foreigners a FREE LUNCH by saying: New Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents will be required to join MediShield Life, generally within 1 month of attaining permanent residence.

MOH is also being DISHONEST to retain the 'prefunded' portion of medishield-life of PRs who relinquish their PR status to return home.

The fact that MOH treats new citizens better than old ones and swindles PR returning home shows that the Singapore government is corrupt and is a crafty and wicked organization.

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