Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Provide adequate wage to reduce inequality

The best way to reduce inequality is to pay adequate wages to all workers, regardless of occupation.

The adequate wage should be set at a level that is commensurate with the cost of living.

It is usually called the "minimum wage".

In America, there is a move to set the minimum wage at UD$15 an hour, or SGD 18.

The cost of living in Singapore is higher than in America. Our current wage of $6 an hour is grossly inadequate. It should be increased.

If all workers can earn a decent living wage, they can afford to raise a family and provide for the cost of educating their children.

There are enough jobs in Singapore for citizens. We should make sure that they are employed first, before employing foreigners.

Citizens do not take up some kinds of jobs because the pay is inadequate. We should raised the wages for these jobs so that they ar adequate to attract citizens. We should not employ foreigners to take up jobs that can and should be done by citizens.

Tan Kin Lian

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