Monday, June 04, 2018

WOTC - Cancellation of High Speed Rail

I asked this question in the Wisdom of the Crowd - If Malaysia wishes to cancel the High Speed Rail, what should Singapore do?

Here are the responses:

56% - Suggest that the project be delayed by 10 years and review at that time.
24% - Waive the compensation as a gesture of goodwill
12% - Insist on compensation as provided in the agreement
8% - Offer to fund the project as it cost less than 1 MRT line in Singapore

See the breakdown of the votes and pie chart in

1 comment:

  1. Mahathir still holds grudge against LKY when the latter refused to lend money, when asked, during the Asian Financial Crisis 1998.
    Now is the perfect time to score brownie points for Lee Junior to make amends on behalf of the father.
    Waive compensation out of Goodwill, and request for KIV HSR project till Malaysia out of the woods. Mahathir is a principled man, who would pay back with gratitude. After all, how long could he live uh?
    Rather than to see our Govt spending frivolous money offering to chip in
    with some expenses to the Trump/Kim summit, which dun benefits us, other than sticking some gold leaves on PAP's face.
    A close neighbour is far more valuable than a distant relative,or fair weather friends in this respect. Only for temporary glory, after which we would be put on the back burner. Singapore is already spending a lot on security and logistic arrangement. Showing off must have a limit.
