Sunday, June 03, 2018

Wrong government policies

I asked a few people - what is wrong with the policies pursued by the current government?

Here are the key findings:

1. Neo liberal policies. Focus on business to the detriment of the welfare of ordinary people. Wide income gap. Depressed wages and high cost of living.

2. Appointing wrong people to head the government. People without experience, incompetent, arrogant.

3. Free flow of foreigners into Singapore. Depress wages. Cause locals to be retrenched.

4. Don't listen to the people. They find solutions in their ivory tower. Impractical. Not workable.

Do you agree?

1 comment:

  1. Mr. LKY's effect is increasingly wearing thin now, more so by year 2020.
    The silent majority should seriously reflect on Dr. Mahathir's provocative advice, when weary, change regime as, like a hounded dog chased to an enclosed wall, it turns around and bites back.
    Why should the folks here forced to dig into our pockets, through ever increasing costs of living and the various increasing taxes, to fund the atrocious mega infrastructural projects costing billions of $, all pushed out at neck breaking speed as if one has not much time to live, and like Mahathir, must put on speeding gear and shout, let's go, before one drops dead.
    Please ah, you go by all means, dun pull us along, use your Reserves to fund your expensive projects, dun eye our pockets and blood and sweat retirement savings.
