Wednesday, July 18, 2018

WOTC - Interview with the media

I asked this question in the Wisdom of the Crowd - Should PM Lee give more interviews to the media about our domestic affairs?

Here are the responses:

54% - A good leader will communicate actively with the people.
22% - He should. Just like Dr. Mahathir is doing to explain their domestic situation.
22% - No need. He has nothing more to say.
3% - It is better to keep quiet and avoid stirring up more controversy.

Yes - 76%. No 24%

See the breakdown of the votes in


  1. PM Lee is just only going through the motions. He has lost interest in the country.

  2. Reason could be he is not saying much- he might be asked to apologise like Sylvia Lim n some others by some weak people. He is not the same as his father. Father goes around like he meant business n he don't care who you are. All others go shaking hands smiling and make new friends. At the moment son is still a little feared so still can get things done a bit. In future the new PM will not be able to get things done efficiently as he will be considered as once colleagues and buddy buddy with all the ministers. Hopefully some might not get away with murder. Like it or not that's how the world works.Future for this country not looking good unless LKY junior can be found.

    He only sent condolences to other countries. When it comes to his country like those killed in army or government related incidents he just kept quiet for fear of offending the head or government agencies whom he is close to.
