Monday, August 13, 2018

How to create jobs for people

We read stories about how automation and technology will take over jobs, and that more people will be unemployed.

They are asked to look for new jobs, but it will not be easy.

What is the solution?

We have to vote for a government that places jobs as a priority.

The government can set the social and economic policies to take care of people, such as:

a) encourage people to have more children
b) create jobs to take care of children and old people
c) educate the people
d) provide affordable health care to everyone
e) provide assistance to people on their daily problems.
f) provide affordable public transport
g) provide affordable housing

These jobs belong to the public sector. They only need to take up 20% to 25% of the workforce.

Can the country afford to provide these jobs? Most certainly - YES. The alternative is to have many unemployed people who are stressed, sick and create social problems.

There will still be a sector of the population that earn the revenue from providing services to other countries and can earn foreign exchange income.

It is a better of having a better balance. The government to provide the enlightened leadership. It cannot neglect its duty and let the market rule over peoples' lives.


  1. An ordinary man like Mr Tan knows exactly what is important to the people. The elites only know about raising gst for a smart nation. Its impossible to live with a to g, but possible to live without a smart city. Ask the 80% and they will definitely agree.

  2. MP busy with their own jobsss.Where got time to think about these problem??
