Saturday, August 25, 2018

KTM train to Johore Bahru

I took the KTM train to Johore Bahru two weeks ago.

My friend told me that this is the best way to avoid the heavy jam at the causeway. He was delayed by 3 hours on his previous trip.

The cost of the KTM trip was $5. It was rather steep, but we agreed to pay it to avoid the jam.

There was a train every 70 minutes, so it was necessary to check the schedule. We bought the ticket on the spot.

I was surprised that there were clearance from Singapore (exit) and Malaysia (entry) at the same building. It just require 1 minute of walking from one checkpoint to the next.

There was no queue. We went through the checkpoint immediately. The train was rather empty.

The journey was only 5 minutes. We arrived at the JB train station. There was no need to clear the checkpoint as we had already done it in Singapore.

It should be possible to have a train every 15 minutes, if there is demand. If the fare is reduced to $2, I am sure that many people will prefer to take the train to avoid the jam.

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