Tuesday, August 14, 2018

More charges should be regulated

I prefer many charges to be fixed by the government, rather than be left to the market:

Here are some examples:

a) Public transport fares
b) School fees
c) Taxi fares.
d) Public hospital charges
e) Legal fees
f) Water and electricity charges
g) Rentals of basic housing and stalls

These fees should be for basic services. If the customers want to additional services, they can pay for them at the market rates.

These fixed charges can be adjusted yearly based on supply and demand. With modern technology and data, it should be easy to determine the appropriate charges, rather than leave these charges to the market.

If these fees are kept at reasonable rates, the ordinary people can manage their expenses better and the cost of living will be kept more affordable.

If the charges and fees are not properly guided, the cost of living can escalate out of control. This is what has happened in recent years.

Do you agree?


  1. Can to feel when you are not ordinary??

  2. A new kind of slavery here.
