Tuesday, August 21, 2018

NRIC disclose year of birth

When the NRIC started, a sequential number was given. If we kept to this system, we would be able to keep to the S series as we have not passed 10 million of citizens yet.

Somebody decided that the first two digits should be the year of birth. This was a stupid decision.

Suddenly, there is some sensitive information in the NRIC. Some people don't want their age to be disclosed.

It became necessary for the NRIC to be kept secret.

Furthermore, we run out of S series under the new millennium and have to introduce the T series.

This has been a costly mistake. It was made by bureaucrats and scholars living in the ivory tower.

It could have been avoided if these issues were better discussed in public or in parliament.

This is the weakness and flaw of the Singapore system under the PAP.

It was all right during the first generation of civil servants, but it became very bad after that.

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