Sunday, August 12, 2018

Pay better wages for locals

Many people think that it is a good strategy to import foreign workers to do the work that the locals do not want to do.

That is what Singapore has been doing over the past decades.

Here are the consequences:

a) Salaries for these jobs are kept at depressed levels.
b) As more foreigners come to Singapore, they will take over the higher paying jobs eventually.
c) More locals became unemployed as they lose their jobs to foreigners.

The alternative strategy is to pay adequate wages for all types of jobs, so that locals can accept these jobs, make a family and raise a family.

When wage cost goes up, rentals are likely to come down as the businesses have lower margins and cannot afford to pay high rentals.

The total cost to consumers is almost the same, except that the share between wages and rents are better distributed. Property prices will not escalate to high levels.

Many countries adopt the strategy of paying adequate wages for locals to do the "less desired" jobs. They provide a better future for their people.

It is time for Singapore to change our flawed policies.

1 comment:

  1. Why must CEO earn so many times the average salary??
