Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Serve the country and not self interest

Goh Chok Tong thinks that the most capable people earn more than $1 million a year.

I have a different view. The people who can earn $1 million are those who want to earn as much as they can. They include doctors, lawyers, corporate executives and politicians.

But there are other people who does not want to earn that much. They are happy with a more modest salary. They want to serve the country and the ordinary people. Many of these people are also capable, but they are notthat greedy or self-interested.

Sadly, the people willing to serve the country do not get the top positions as ministers. The person calling the shots belong to the self-interested category. He picks other people who thinks like him.

Do you agree?


  1. No one can be right all the time. No one can also be wrong all the time.

  2. They should pick somebody who do volunteer job for many years.
