Monday, August 27, 2018

Streaming under the German education system

A German woman, who had lived in Singapore for three decades, told me.

They have streaming under the German education system. The students were streamed to the academic field or the vocational field. The students in the academic stream go to university while the vocational stream go for apprenticeship.

The teachers assess the students and decide which stream they are more suitable for. This assessment is made over several years.

The advantage of the German system is that the earnings between the academic and the vocational fields are quite close to each other. There is no wide salary gap.

I don't know if this description is correct. But I generally respect the Germans for their approach towards the education of their people.

1 comment:

  1. Don't need to educate,just let foreigners come here to cost.less complaints.Anyway, education is against capitalism.
