Sunday, September 16, 2018

High Quality of Life

Vienna, Austria is the city with the best quality of life on the planet, according to a new ranking by Mercer, a human resources consulting firm. Each year, it publishes its Quality of Living report to help companies determine compensation for employees sent to work abroad.

The cities are rated based on 39 factors, grouped into the following 10 categories:

- Social environment including politics and crime
- Economic environment
- Limitations on personal freedoms
- Medical and health considerations
- Schools and education
- Public services and transportation
- Recreation and entertainment
- Consumer goods
- Housing
- Natural environment and climate

Did your city make the 2018 list? Let's take a closer look:

No. Singapore did not make it to the list. In fact, all the cities are in Europe (mostly Germany and Switzerland), Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

None of the cities in USA, UK or Asia make it to the list.
Here they are:

1. Vienna, Austria
2. Zurich, Switzerland
3. Auckland, New Zealand
4. Munich, Germany
5. Vancouver, Canada
6. Dusseldorf, Germany
7. Frankfurt, Germany
8. Geneva, Switzerland
9. Copenhagen, Denmark
10. Basel, Switzerland
11. Sydney, Australia
12. Amsterdam, Holland
13 Berlin, Germany
14 Bern, Switzerland
15 Wellington, New Zealand
16 Melbourne, Australia
17 Toronto, Canada
18. Luxembourg, Luxembourg
19. Ottawa, Canada
20. Hamburg, Germany


  1. We made it the world's best airport and TRUMP-KIM summit. We also made it to the NS AWOL where they are so poor that they needed a job to live.

  2. We make it to the list of-

    The most uncorrupted country.

    The most pigeonholes.

    One of the most expensive city.

    A materialistic society.

    Low crime rate.

    The no natural resources island.

    Ungracious and rude.

    Good schools.

    Stressful and competitive society.

