Sunday, September 23, 2018

Regain the trust of the people

Two decades ago, when a foreigner presents a negative aspect of Singapore, the majority of Singaporeans will speak out in support of Singapore.

Their response is due to the following reasons:

a) The Singaporeans have a high trust in the government
b) The believe that the decisions of the government are taken for the good of the people.

This is not the case today.

Many Singaporeans think that the government leaders work for themselves and to protect their high salaries. They do not take care of the interest of the common people.

We need to change this situation. The PAP has to regain the trust of the people or the people have to vote for a new government.


  1. The Prime Minister is worth 900万 annually.

    Most of the untrustworthy Ministers are worth only 5万 a year. They have very membuat keputusan yang lemah. So fake.

  2. Trust? 3 smoke bombs can become 5.
    Only take action when it becomes public otherwise sweep under the carpet.
    Trust ? Passing the buck.
    President calibre can change anyhow.
    Goal post can anyhow move.
    Fake maintenance record.
    Trust? Sell all the government land at super high prices and than try to cool the property.
    Good at finding scapegoats trying desperately to maintain their image. Tree anyhow fall and kill and it always been the tree's fault not the people who was suppose to maintain it.
    Has public sued any government agencies ever won?
    Will GST ever stop increasing?
    Taxis take their families to market during weekends. Not easy to get one in the morning.
    Pigeons are all over the hawker centres again its the bird's fault.
    Trust? Changing election boundaries when are where anyhow.
    Most patients who underwent surgeries had to undergo at least twice. Was it on purpose for the doc to make more money?
    Car accidents the garage damaged all the interior of the boot before the surveyor came? The surveyor just signed blindly?
    Molest and sexual predators all over the place.
    Ministers talk not on same wavelength. One said we need more babies but no solutions.

  3. [Car accidents the garage damaged all the interior of the boot before the surveyor came? The surveyor just signed blindly?}

    Maybe need to check the surveyors bank account too?

  4. Stringent guidelines needed on car accident claims
    PublishedJul 7, 2018,

    Earlier this year, I was involved in a minor accident where my car collided with another car.
    There was no damage to my car, and the other car suffered a small dent on its rear bumper.
    To save everyone the hassle of going through the insurance claims process, I offered to pay upfront for the repair at any workshop.

    The other party flatly refused and insisted on sending his car to the authorised dealer, as it was new.
    About six months later, I had a rude shock when my insurer informed me that the other party was claiming a repair bill of more than $9,000.
    I found this outrageous and absurd.

    Any skilled workman would have been able to restore the small dent instead of replacing the entire bumper.
    Even if the bumper had to be replaced, surely it does not add up to $9,000.
    Was this repair and expected bill approved and endorsed by the insurance claims adjuster?
    I am certain I am not the only motorist who has encountered such a situation.
    Grossly inflated accident claims are why Singapore's vehicle insurance premiums have continuously risen.
    This blatant abuse of the system has to be stopped.
    It is high time the General Insurance Association of Singapore comes together with the insurance claims adjusters to implement a set of transparent and stringent guidelines on accident claims.
    In situations where repair is a viable option, with the damaged area returned to its original state, the owner should not be able to demand a new part replacement.
    If soft laws cannot stop errant behaviour, then the Government should step in with hard laws.

  5. Take action against workshops that submit inflated claims
    PublishedSep 28, 2018,
    My recent experience has made me raise serious questions about how the motor insurance industry operates. I am not surprised that our motor insurance claims have been escalating (Insurance claims point to more serious road accidents; Sept 26).
    Recently, I had a minor incident at a carpark. I had to squeeze my car behind another car to free up space for others to park and, in the very tight manoeuvre, I gently touched the back of his bumper. There were no scratches or any signs of physical damage.
    However, the driver insisted that it was an accident and that I provide my particulars.

    Some time later, I was contacted by my motor insurance company informing me that a claim of $7,000 had been made against me for the incident and that it would involve the replacement of several parts. I was shocked.
    Luckily, I was able to secure closed-circuit television camera footage of the incident, which I submitted to my insurance company. I also made a fraudulent motor insurance claim report to the General Insurance Association of Singapore.
    After some time, my insurance company got back to me and said that the claim had been reduced to $2,000 after considering the video evidence, which refuted the need for any parts replacement, as the bumper still required repair.

    I then had to provide photographic evidence to show them that there were no signs of physical damage on the bumper.
    I am appalled at the way our motor insurance claims are being handled, and that fraudulent claims like these are being condoned and encouraged.
    The authorities have to take action against workshops that submit fraudulent and inflated claims in order to cut down on such practices.

  6. The executive director of GIA ought to be sacked.

  7. Need to address inflated insurance claims transparently

    We thank Mr Goh Eng Koon, Madam Lum Sook Meng and Madam Diana Lim Sok Mun for their letters (Take action against workshops that submit inflated claims, Sept 28; Did car dealer's action cost us our full claim?, Oct 3; Time to stop dishonest workshops from taking people for a ride, Oct 3).
    We agree that cases of inflated claims must be addressed in a clear, transparent and objective manner.
    Prompt submission of evidence is critical for your case to be evaluated fairly and for a settlement to be reached.

    This can be achieved more easily when all parties play their part, guided by the Motor Claims Framework established by the General Insurance Association.
    If you are involved in a motor accident, remember to exchange particulars, take photos of the scene and damage to vehicles involved and report the accident to your vehicle insurer by the next working day for your evidence to be recorded promptly.
    These actions must be taken regardless of how minor the damage is to either vehicle.

    Claimants making third-party damage claims must also allow the other motorist's insurer to inspect the damaged vehicle within two working days before starting any repair works.
    The pre-repair inspection guidelines require a joint inspection of the vehicle damage to be made by a motor surveyor who is mutually agreed on by the claimant's workshop and the other motorist's insurer.
    This aligns everyone on the extent of the damage and scope of repair required.
    Insurers will review the evidence submitted by all the parties and reports from the pre-repair inspection to make the decision on resolving the claim.
    An appeal to the insurer can be made if you are unsatisfied with the outcome, failing which, you can contact the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre to help resolve the matter.
    Ho Kai Weng
    Chief Executive
    General Insurance Association

    Average answers. Does he realise that despite all these measures, cheats and inflated claims continues to occur. The reason why? Its because they get away! As simple as that. Thank you for introducing the easy way out. Again. Useless Thwarts.
