Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Will you vote for this candidate as your MP?

I asked the question - will you vote for this candidate if he stands for election in your constituency.

Please note that this poll is biased and has a high proportion of non PAP supporters.

Sylvia Lim, WP 92%
Tan Cheng Bock, ex PAP, 90%
Chee Soon Juan, SPD 85%
Chen Show Mao, WP 84%
Pritam Singh, WP 84%
Paul Thambyah, SDP 83%
Ang Yong Guan, SF 76%
Chiam See Tong, SPP 75%
Tan Jee Say, SF 74%
Kenneth Jeyaratnam, RP 64%
Benjamin Pwee, DPP 56%
Goh Meng Seng, PPP 53%
Tharman Shanmugaratnam, PAP 42%
Chan Chun Sing, PAP 21%
Lee Hsien Loong, PAP 12%

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