Tuesday, September 04, 2018

WOTC - Appropriate salary for ministers

I asked this question in the Wisdom of the Crowd:

What is an appropriate salary for a minister under the clean wage system?

Here are the responses: (42 Votes)
36 % - $500,000
33 % - $250,000
29 % - $400,000 plus housing and car
2 % - Work for free
0 % - $1 million

See the pie chart at: 

1 comment:

  1. I cannot speak for others so these are only my own comprehensive hearsay.

    Considering the country and human lives are at stack majority are not bothered about high

    salary even if it costs $5M annum per head. What the people felt is that most in the present

    are not worth their salary.

    (a) Has the economy improved?

    (b) Are majority of the people happy?(not all can be happy.)

    (c)Do they understand how the buzz is shifting, that people are talking less about lifestyle and more about high prices?

    (d) People are becoming more selfish and less humane?

    (e)Spending money only on the absolute necessities mostly where safety is concern?

    (F)Generate new ideas and packaging other than sticking to old and outdated ways of management?

    (g)Find good sources to listen on the groundswell.

    (h) Discard the old image that high qualifications equates to good leaders.

    (i)Be compassionate.

    (j) Refrain from punishing the innocents with the ever changing rules, just because of a small percentage of black sheep who abuse the rules.

    (k) Be honest.

    (l) Make policies and housing for more integration of families.

    (m) Don't underestimate the people and overestimate problems.

    (n)Don't react with anger, resentment, rationalization and blame.

    (o) Don't cover-up mistakes and protect and and yourselves.

    A saying one doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very log time.

