Friday, October 12, 2018

Lopsided fare structure for public transport

In the last financial year, Comfort Delgro made a profit on the bus operations but a loss on the rail operation.

This is caused by the flawed fare structure adopted in Singapore.

If a commuter takes a journey of 15 km, of which 1 km is by feeder bus to the station and the 14 km is by MRT, the total fare will be $1.41 of which the bus will take $0.77 and the MRT will take $0.64.

I guess that 65% of public transport users take a bus to change to the MRT. The bus take a larger share of the total fare, in spite of travelling a much shorter distance.

Which should our fare structure be so lopsided?

If the fare is reduced for short distance, the distribution will be fairer between the different operators that take the passenger on the entire journey.

Eventually, all the fares will be collected by own party, i.e. the govt, so this will not matter. But in the meantime, we have a lopsided fare structure.

Why liddat?

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