Monday, October 29, 2018

Responsible competition

I support Grab's approach towards the arrival of Go-Jek. We should avoid unhealthy and wasteful competition.

It should actually be the duty of the regulator, i.e. the Land Transport Authority, to set the parameters for a competitive market.

It should not be uncontrolled competition where the party with more money use their power to kill off a weaker competitor.

There are unsustainable practices that should be disallowed.

I wish all the best to Grab and Go-Jek.



Banking on good service

Grab looks to avoid a price war with ride-hailing rival Go-Jek as it focuses on safe, reliable services

Grab plans to take a cautious approach and push to further improve its services, rather than drive up subsidies, as competition with Go-Jek intensifies in its home market and across South-east Asia, company president Ming Maa said in an interview at the China Conference organised by the South China Morning Post in Kuala Lumpur earlier this month. "We do not believe that winning customer heartshare and mindshare is driven by subsidies," he said. "It's driven by providing them good service and a good product."

Read this article

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