Friday, October 19, 2018

Ridiculous to ask customers to place a deposit for a tray

In U-turn, Jurong West Hawker Centre to charge customers 20 cents deposit for trays

Customers at Jurong West Hawker Centre will soon have to pay a refundable deposit of 20 cents for every tray they use, the operator of Jurong West Hawker Centre announced on Thursday. The date for when this change — which comes a week after news broke that hawkers were up in arms over its tray return scheme — will kick in will be announced at a later stage, once all details have been finalised, the operator added in a media statement. Hawker Management said that after meeting with the tenants and receiving “constructive feedback and views” on “all outstanding concerns”, it decided to change the tray return scheme to a deposit system.

My comment.
I find it quite ridiculous that the customer has to pay a deposit of $0.20 for the return of tray. This is creating useless work in collecting a deposit and getting a refund.
I don't understand why some people are so stupid. It seems to be a common disability in Singapore.…/u-turn-jurong-west-hawker-cen…

1 comment:

  1. I find that to be the way Singapore operates - use money (fines, deposit etc) to threaten / implement / motivate a scheme. In USA, where I live, we remove our trash from the table, clean it, and return the trays to the designated place. We clean up after ourselves and take pride in doing it - no shame in that. Unless we are in a restaurant and we tip the wait person to do that for us. No need to enforce habits under threat of $$. This form of social behavior may take time to cultivate but I believe it is worth it.
