Saturday, October 20, 2018

Singapore is a special country

Daniel Yong is a Singaporean who now lives in Australia. He said.

Spore is very SPECIAL. It's run by special people who command the world's highest salaries despite having no previous relevant experience (most are recruits from the military who have not had a real job in their lives), an education system that is so special it relies on model answers and rote learning, and a very special population conditioned / brain washed to do things in a set way... from young.

A country so special that high costs are seen as a sign of progress, that retirees can't be trusted with their own money. A country so special that the government has to get involved in small and large businesses such that everybody has to either work for the govt or in GLCs or in pte businesses which rely on govt contracts.

A people so special that they allow the govt to control every aspect of their lives. Spore is a special country moving from 1st world to 4th, while most other countries are moving from 3rd to 1st. I suppose sporeans know best what's good for them, for they are special.

Daniel Ong said.

The writer, Mr Daniel Yong has written this absolutely true and correct article about SINGAPORE and SINGAPOREANS. The fake meritocracy, abuse of power and open corruption is a fact of life.
Most poignantly there are voters who even support the obvious criminality of the government! 

Speaking personally so as to take responsibility for my statements and NOT drag others with me I will say it again: The PAP, the Pests And Parasites must go. I don't care what the die hard PAP supporters will say. We are free to choose. And, are entitled to our political views.
My firm and irreversible position: Unless we change the government and vote in The New Government that is HONEST, COMPETENT AND CARING, SINGAPORE will decline or even become a failed state.

The words of Mr Daniel Yong will then be The Gospel of our doom!

Again, The Solution: Vote PAP OUT! In a free and bona fide democracy PM LHL and several of his ministers and MPs would be forced to resign or even jailed. Yes, the PAP is a criminal otganizstion.

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