Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Future Economy of Indonesia

I attended a talk by Pak Sandiaga S Uno, the vice presidential candidate contesting on the same ticket as Pak Prabowo Sandiaga.

The title of his talk was "The Future Economy of Indonesia".

Pak Santiaga spent several years working in Singapore. He was a permanent resident. His lost his PR status when the company that he worked for closed its operation in Singapore.

He has fond memories of Singapore.

He wanted to introduce reforms on tax and labor regulations in Indonesia if he was elected. He is in favor of private public partnership for infrastructure projects, so as to reduce the burden on govt finances.

He quoted an interesting example of the disagreement between the agriculture and the trade ministries under the current govt of Jokowi. The agriculture ministry said that there was sufficient production of rice, but the trade ministry said that it was insufficient and more rice had to be imported to keep the price low.

Pak Santiaga said that the solution was to get the correct data for decision making. This will apply to all sectors of govt decision making. "

I find his views to be refreshing.

I wish him all the best.

Tan Kin Lian

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