Tuesday, October 02, 2018

WOTC - Same government for many years

I asked this question in the Wisdom of the Crowd:

Is it good to have the same government for many years?

Here are the responses: (40 Votes)
63 % - It will lead to corruption and incompetence.
30 % - It is better to change the government every ten years or so.
5 % - It creates more stable and predictable policies.
3 % - It gives more time for the government to carry out its work.

See the pie chart at: 

1 comment:

  1. Folks must be selective when singling out Ministers paying themselves the world's highest pay in Office.
    Okay for top rated Ministers like Tharman to be remunerated well, as he deserves it, it's the creation of many layers of Deputy Ministers that is sucking taxpayers dry that we detest.
    Singapore is a just a red dot, why create so many Deputies in the Ministries, and rubbing salt into our wounds many of these are mediocre quality, with a red ink report card to boot some more.
    Buying hearts to form their own "Natural Aristocracy" with hard earned tax contributions from the middle class is breeding resentment.
    And when the bills pile up to rear both these Aristocrats and the "politically illiterate poor" (who receive periodical handouts), now cause jittery feet, Govt resort to increasing indirect taxes like GST, utilities, etc, etc., like nobody's business, better fill up Kitty first then caught with money no enough to go round.
    Poor little middle class, have to be sacrificial lambs, to be slaughtered according to whims.
    Can't be "crazy rich Asians", better to be poor, you get paid without really working.
