Friday, December 14, 2018

A manual voting system has many risks of fraud

Many people fear that electronic voting system could be abused by the people in charge. They prefer a manual voting system.

There are not aware that a manual voting system has more risks. Here are the risks:

a) It is easy for corrupt election officials to stuff the ballot boxes with fake votes in favor of certain parties.
b) The ballot boxes could be switched on the way to the counting centers.
c) The manual counting could be manipulated to show more votes for certain parties.

These abuses have been rampant in many countries.

The non incumbent parties rely on many volunteers to serve as agents at voting centers, counting centers and also to ensure the safe delivery of the ballot boxes. Still, they are not able to eliminate the fraud.

An electronic voting system also could be abused. But there are ways to ensure that the voting is secure and the the system is made safe from manipulation. It requires much less effort to ensure the integrity of the voting process.

If this is the case, why is the electronic voting system not adopted in many countries?

The answer is obvious to me. But many people miss it. What is the answer?

The incumbent party in power prefer to use the manual voting system. They have the means and resources to make better use of the defects to its advantage.

In countries where there is a more democratic practice, and where is a frequent change of government and where the election commission is truly independent, there is more chance for a better system to be adopted.

The electronic voting system has the advantage of being convenient, secure and safe from manipulation.

Tan Kin Lian

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