Monday, December 24, 2018

A rigid and narrow mindset

A friend told me that he observed a significant change in his son after the son completed National Service.

a) He thinks in terms of SOP (standard operating procedure). When he encounters a problem, he looks for SOP.

b) He has the attitude of "what's in it for me" (WIIFM). In his interactions with his parents and friends, he has the attitude of doing only what is required. To do more, he needs to be clear that there is some benefit that will accrue to him.

He thinks that this attitude was developed during the time that the son spent in NS.

However, be observed that this mindset was not obvious in another son who completed NS. He thinks that this could depend on the division that the conscript was posted to .

I have also observed many people with a rigid and narrow mindset and a selfish attitude. I also suspect that the training in NS contributed to it.

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