Monday, December 10, 2018

Find a way to solve the dispute

Some people accused me of taking the side of Malaysia on this dispute. That accusation is unfair.

My first task is to understand the nature of the dispute. Our govt has given its side of the dispute. But the Malaysian govt has a different perspective.

The dispute concerns the sending of vessels to certain parts of the waters. Each party claim that the water comes under their "sovereignty".

I look at Google Map and see a line that appears to run midway between the shores of Johore and Singapore prior to the building of Tuas Port. After Tuas Port was built, the waters between this line and the port seems to be quite narrow.

I saw a map from the CNA article that shows the line being pushed towards Johore. How did this new line came about? Was there agreement for this revised line to be pushed outwards from Singapore?

The CNA article shows that the "intruding vessels" were between the original and the new lines.

The CNA article did not explain this new line. If anyone knows the background for this revised line, please share with me.

Malaysia has asked that both countries withdraw this vessels from the disputed waters for talks to start. The Singapore govt ask that Malaysia should withdraw their vessels before talks can begin.

I do not wish to comment on which side is acting fairly in this respect.

I like to approach this matter by understanding the nature of the dispute, rather than act on "patriotism". There were many wars in the past that occurred because the people of both sides acted on "patriotism". It is better to understand the nature of the dispute and to try to resolve it by being fair to both sides.

It is not good for one side to win at the expense of the other side. It is also not good for the stronger side to win because of their strength.

For the people who accuse me of being unpatriotic to Singapore, I wish to tell them to look at the issue more rationally. Do not take any side blindly.

If I am convinced that the Singapore side is acting fairly, you can be sure that I will speak out. It is my duty as a loyal citizen.

In the meantime, I like to urge both govts to act with restrain and find a way to solve the dispute.

Tan Kin Lian

1 comment:

  1. Check Malaysian MSM, none pay much attention on the dispute, all concentrate on the ICERD rally.
    A perfect chance for our Govt to seize on to divert citizens' attention from unhappiness on the ground on various issues.
    Great, GE is coming, meanwhile stay entertained by the clowning about by Kausihan and Chan Chun Sing, both trying hard to be the Govt spokesman, a self adulation of his own importance.
    Govt supporters - patriotism has to be earned, not demanded.
