Friday, December 21, 2018

Make shared bikes a part of the integrated public transport system

Bike sharing operations are not viable in many cities around the world. Several operators have ceased their business due to large losses.

This will happen in Singapore as well.

The shared use of bikes is a good idea in an integrated transport service. Some commuters need shared bikes for the last mile, to reach their homes, especially in private housing estates.

However, the operations should be runned as a public service. A small charge can be levied but a large part of the operation has to be covered by public funds.

This mode is more important in Singapore because of our integrated fare structure for public transport. The integrated fare covers train and buses. It should now be extended to shared bikes.

As public property, the govt authority can pass regulations to ensure that the users take care of the bikes. The deliberate damage of the bikes should be treated as vandalism of public property. The bikes have to be parked at designated places, similarly to parking of vehicles.

Will the Land Transport Authority rise up to this challenge and take the necessary steps to integrated the shared bikes in the public transport system?

Tan Kin Lian

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