Monday, December 31, 2018

Some aspects of the Singapore system

Rachel Ash said.
Mr Tan It gets harder by the day when our decision making positions are replaced by Military Man. I wondered what goes through the mind of successful businessman who gets lectured and given paternalistic advice on how to do business by our Military Man who had never had a registered business company in his life except taking commands from the top and barking commands to the bottom.

These Military Men are shortsighted because they are too busy with fulfilling their KPIs that long term is hugely secondary or often neglected. When we "cross-sword" with our neighbors we were ask to stand united and if needed be sacrifice our sons' lives BUT yet a minister did say his saving babies was good enough equivalent of serving NS.

Then we have minister boasting to the world just how affordable our healthcare system is to the world by declaring he paid on SG$8 for his heart surgery BUT this same minister asked citizens to send their old folks to JB, buy medicine and seek medical treatment in Malaysia because it is cheaper and more affordable.

We are struggling with available land that the dead had to make way for roads. Our current infra-structure barely cope with our current population and yet our minister wants to increase our population to 10 million plus. If minister claims we don't really need big houses and cars to live happily in Singapore, please tell us why all of our ministers are staying in big homes and drive expensive cars.

Even our "elected by parliament" president had moved out from her jumbo HDB to a big bungalow. Perverted and some consider obscene messages made eg GST (including increasing GST) helps the poor. Even when we have lost of lives along our train line during maintenance, it was an honest mistake and let move on. A top management in a train company was convicted of drink driving twice and still working in same train company. Seriously many don't welcome 2019 because it would likely to mean more pain are installed.

My comment.
I agree with you. Happy New Year.


  1. Police head for domestic security.Military head for foreign security.Another general to make sure the MP don't corrupt or do funny thing.What more do we want??Do we want business man who only think about profits and Money first?? Do we want our relatives to stay safely in singapore or go to other countries early in the morning to work and become maid or prostitute and got caught??everything got a price ,grow up.visit south East Asia and do some critical thinking.Immediate Get cremated and visit the world better than being con.Do we want to clean the table or construction job ??When we fight a war we need manpower.Who is going to provide??Who is living on top or below that are going to give us a thousand cut??Are we sure only ministers are living in big home??Go and find out how those living in HDB as compare to those living in private estate are help than talk.To be rich,you need to be smart and hard working but some people just choose to complaint and ask for benefits.Never appreciate the good and always complaint about little things.Should have save the time and built our big home.Then we can have a happy new

  2. Take it easy, dun stress ourselves, let them carry themselves higher on the pedestal, so busy making merry, that when they fall, they will fall hard like Humpty Dumpty on the wall, so hard they could not get up again.
    Just keep ourselves healthy, and watch the fire on the riverbank.
    Ignorant and naive to compare ourselves with nearby third world neighbours, unless Singapore is also third world.

  3. Which party get us out of third naive and Ignorant and ungrateful.hahaha.1$=3$

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